
Fast Food Mobile App


About App

Belleful is a meal ordering and delivery service that allows you to place an immediate order from the convenience of your phone and have your food prepared as soon as you ask.

Role:UX Designer
Project Type : Contract Job
Duration : 6 weeks
The Challenge

Amidst the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced environment, individuals struggle to find the time to cook at home. Some don’t even have the time to visit a restaurant.
The challenge was to find a way for these individuals to order and receive food at their own convenience.

  • Make an app that solves problem and easy to use for User.
  • Create an app that allows user customize their meals with zero stress.
  • Design a mobile app for busy people.
  • Giving user an option to everyday meals.
  • Give user the chance to track their meals with ease.

Conduct research and interviews, creates wireframes, design low and high fidelity prototypes, conduct usability study, account for accessibility and iterate on design. User research, Design thinking. product design and usability testing.

Design Thinking Methods
Design Timeline

Understanding the User

User Research

Hearing from the people I'm creating for is the greatest method for me to properly grasp their requirements and motivations. So I questioned five (5) working persons between the ages of 18 and 65 who have some experience ordering food online.

The goal of the study was to prioritize the user by placing the user first and center. This talk took place virtually. The users chosen were students and professionals who, due to their hectic schedules, preferred to order food on occasion.

Despite their diverse origins and eating tastes, all users anticipated good meal quality and prompt delivery. According to the research, time is not the only constraint for online shoppers. Other reasons include fear, choice, and duties.

User's Pain Points

Define Phase

User Persona

Persona is a fictional character created in representing the users that might use the brand product in similar way.


Age: 19

Education: Student

Location: Abuja, Nigeria

Status: Single

David Balogun

"I don’t like eating unhealthy meals but as I am always on a time crunch, I end up ordering food from outside"

DAVID is a medical student who typically attends classes from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. David needs to multitask since he has several projects and practical sessions to do; he frequently returns home weary, stressed, and hungry. He gets tired of eating the same thing every week, which is why he frequently eats outside.  David is seeking for an app that would allow him to get fast food while he completes his homework and practical sessions. He wants to save money while eating nutritious and full meals.

  • Be able to order delicious, healthful food.
  • Save time and money
  • Gettting delivery on time during class breaks.
  • Staying Energetic and focused throughout the day.
  • Doesn't know how to cook
  • Runs out of money at the last week of every month.
  • Doesn't have a lot of food choices
  • Damaged food packs
  • Products don't get delivered in time indicated.

User's Journey Map

By mapping David's user path, I was able to identify places where I might enhance the user experience. David's user experience demonstrated the value of having a mobile app that enables customers to easily order meals.

user journey
User Flow


Wireframes - Paper Sketch

After mapping out the user flow, I started drawing wireframes. To make sure that the components that made it to the digital wireframes adequately addressed the user pain points, several iterations of each screen were created on paper. Hand drawing enables me to visualize how the app will appear. Additionally, it enables me to iterate on a layout efficiently and rapidly.

Wireframes - Digital

Following that, I converted my first sketches to digital wireframes. I then used XD to develop our Lo-Fi wireframes and conduct usability tests with my users.

Hifi Mockups

I proceeded to create mockups and a high fidelity prototype of the design.

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Splash Screen &
Onboarding Screen

This pages introduces the user to the app on what to expect while using the app.

Login Screen

Here the user gets to register on the app by inputting details or using The shortcut way of registering.

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Menu Page & Product Screen

Here the user gets to search from different categories or recommend foods provided to save your time.

Other Screens

Design Systems



Category Chips
Input Fields
Search Bar